Feminism Is Making Females Miserable

A major study has concluded that women have become increasingly unhappy. 1

By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women’s declining relative wellbeing is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging—one with higher subjective well-being for men.

But how, how could this be?

I’ll give you three reasons for now.

Abortion. The pro-choice movement says, “It’s not a baby, it’s a clump of cells” and, sadly, many millions of women who have aborted their babies are beginning to realize that was a colossal lie. What’s convincing them isn’t mysticism, nor misogynism, nor even religion, but science (okay, maybe a little religion because religion tells us it’s wrong to kill people—science doesn’t tell us that). As these women later have ultrasounds for wanted clumps of cells they confront the startling realization that it is and was a baby after all! But after 50 million USA abortions, many millions of women NOW live with the guilt of killing their baby.

Let me add, though, that if you have had an abortion (or encouraged one), you can find complete forgiveness in Jesus.

The diminishment of motherhood. Many a woman’s libber has proclaimed that girls shouldn’t be satisfied with being a wife and mother. In fact, that’s beneath them. That’s giving into the Man who wants to keep them barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. To reach their true potential they need to become the vice-president or even president (think of it!) of some company that makes or sells something. After all, they can still spend carefully parceled “quality time” with their children! Sadly, however, and contrary to many NOW proclamations, it has turned out that a lot of women actually like being stay-at-home moms and they resent being looked down upon.

Porn. The prevalence of ever more perverted pornography fosters female unhappiness. This is for three major reasons.

First, porn makes women less valuable to men, which alters the balance of power between the sexes. This is true because sex is a powerful motivator. 2 Consider that not too many years ago if a man wanted to see a woman naked, he pretty much had to marry one. But now any man so disposed can see countless women naked on monitors, screens, or stages. This changes the balance of power between the sexes as women are less needed by men and that makes marriage less needed which is sad for women who want to marry.

Second, porn makes men want their wives or girlfriends to act and look like porn stars and “liberated” women hear and obey. Consider this month’s Cosmopolitan cover stories (this is gross but everyone who can read sees their titles at every supermarket checkout): “78 Ways to Turn Him On” is followed by “What Men Want Most at 9 p.m.,” then there’s the all-important, “Bump-Proof Your Bikini Line.” If these don’t work, it might be because you’re too normal so there’s the article, “The Weird Trait Guys Look For in a Date.” But if this cornucopia of collected kowtow craziness fails to land the guy of a woman’s dreams there’s the plan-B article entitled: “4 Fab New Vibrators.” Wow, do Cosmo editors think of everything or what?

Does this sound like Cosmo is helping free women of male domination?

And how impossible is it for a woman to forever look like an almost underage porn star? No wonder anorexia and bulimia abound and cosmetic surgery is de rigueur.

Third, all of this, of course, has led many women to believe that if they don’t give themselves sexually to a man before marriage, that he won’t ever marry her. That’s backward. No wonder boys are now slow to become men! They know they don’t have to have a responsible job to buy the cow since they get the milk for free. This is why many women who have been “liberated” so they can have sex “no strings attached” soon start smoking Virginia Slims and sporting bumper stickers that say “The more I get to know men, the more I like my dog.”

Liberals who chatter about women’s liberation ardently support what hurts women. Sadly, today’s “liberated” woman is in more bondage than before the women’s lib movement began. Studies reveal that these “liberated” women even have less pleasurable sex than women in committed relationships as they have fewer orgasms.

Christianity is the true liberator of women because in Christ “there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 3


  1. Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness,” http://bpp.wharton.upenn.edu/betseys/papers/Female_Happiness.pdf. Accessed 22 June 2011.[]
  2. I don’t know where I first read this.[]
  3. Gal. 3:28.[]

2 thoughts on “Feminism Is Making Females Miserable”

  1. Thank you for writing this. You’re lecture on Feminism in within the Why God Allows Evil class has been a constant resource and reference for me. Another job well done Dr. Jones. Hope you’re well.

    Soli Deo Gloria,


  2. Pingback: Is It True that There Are Good Non-Christians? | Clay Jones

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